
Attendance and Absence

Here you will find information relating to attendance and absences.

School Times

Start Finish
Nursery AM 8:40 am 11:40 am
Nursery PM 12:30 pm 3:30 pm
KS1 8:50 am 3:15 pm
KS2 8:50 am 3.20 pm

Students are expected to be in class ready for morning registration at 8.50 am



No holidays are allowed in term time. Please do not request holidays as these will be automatically refused.

If there are exceptional reasons why children need to go abroad you must inform the Headteacher in writing requesting special leave. If you do not do this you may lose your place at the school.


If your child is late this impacts on their learning as they miss the beginning of the lesson that frequently contains the most direct teaching. Frequent lateness also disrupts the class for other children.


Please be on time.


At Redbridge Primary School we believe that good attendance and punctuality is crucial and leads children to achieving good progress and self-esteem. We will do our utmost to work with all parents and carers to ensure that all our children are regular attenders. Our target for this year is 97%. Please let’s all continue to work together every week, to reach our target.

​Regular attendance at school is important and Redbridge is determined to improve attendance and to reduce unauthorised absence at all its schools. Redbridge Primary School has adopted the Redbridge recommended attendance policy; absences will be authorised for a maximum of 3 days, and only granted for circumstances defined as exceptional by the policy, (not holidays).

Unauthorised Absence

Parents are advised that on the second day of any unauthorised absence, the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) will be informed and that you may be liable to a Fixed Penalty Notice fine of up to £120. Unauthorised absence of 10 days or more may lead to a child being removed from the school roll.

Please see the Redbridge Code of Conduct in respect of penalty notices below.

> Download – Redbridge Code of Conduct


Please do not send your child to school if s/he is unwell, but phone the school on the first day of absence. If a child becomes unwell during the day we will contact you if they have a raised temperature, have been physically sick or obtained an injury that requires a hospital visit. Minor accidents and injuries are dealt with by a trained member of staff and recorded in the Accident Book. All accidents and injuries suffered at school are reported to and monitored by the Governing Body.

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