Early Years Foundation Stage

Curriculum Vision

At Redbridge Primary School we are driven by our six core values of Resilience, Respect, Positivity, Honesty Friendship, Kindness. Our curriculum intent is that children Dream Big, Work Hard and Be Kind.

The Early Years curriculum at Redbridge Primary School is broad, balanced and is reflective of our diverse community. We provide a safe, nurturing and child-led environment for the children to learn, develop and ultimately become ambitious, independent learners who can communicate clearly and confidently. We continuously adapt our teaching and learning to support the needs of all our children, including those who are disadvantaged or those with SEND to ensure all children at Redbridge reach their full learning potential.

Children leave our Early Years setting with the skills, knowledge and qualities needed to succeed in the next stage of their education. We believe our children have the right to Dream Big, Work Hard and Be Kind.

The values within our EYFS


in the Early Years encompasses the ability to adapt to transition from the family setting to school life and forge new relationships with teachers and peers. We want children to understand that making mistakes is part of learning, such as mixing colours initially, accidentally spilling water or encouraging children to engage in adventurous play fosters resilience.



in Early Childhood education involves teaching children to value themselves, others, property, their surroundings and environment. This early understanding cultivates tolerance and acceptance as they grow.



begins with children embracing a ‘can-do’ attitude towards life, leading to optimistic learning experiences. Positive relationships play a pivotal role in early development, established through warmth, love, and a sense of belonging in early years settings.



rooted within the prime areas, enables children to express their thoughts and emotions in an age-appropriate manner. It instills an awareness of the power of their words and their consequences.



evolves through supported interactions, teaching children to cultivate meaningful relationships, cooperate, and peacefully resolve conflicts. These skills provide a solid foundation for academic and lifelong achievements.



expresses appreciation and positivity, all of which can help build meaningful relationships. It embodies the notion of being kind and having kindness shown towards you helps to build children’s character.

Curriculum Intent

In Early years we believe that all children should ‘Dream Big’ and become ambitious learners by consistently challenging the children and fostering a stimulating environment where they can meet their full learning potential. This approach helps to instill a growth mindset and promotes life ling learning enabling them to dream big for life.

 In the Early years we value the steps that children should take to reach their full learning potential. We understand that working hard looks different for our youngest children. Working hard in the early years incorporates both the learning behaviors that children are acquiring as well as the effort they put into their tasks. The children throughout the Early Years are working hard to become confident communicators, critical thinkers, to concentrate and complete challenging tasks and  to become independent in their learning and exploration.

 By heavily focusing on the Prime Areas of learning when they start our nursery classes, we strongly believe that children will develop the correct behaviors and attitudes for learning early on. We are setting strong foundations from Nursery through Reception for children to be able to work hard and pathing the way for them to be ready to access the national curriculum when they enter Year 1.

 In the Early years we believe ‘Kindness’ is an essential life skill needed to build meaningful relationships. We strongly believe that all children should be taught the value of kindness, studies have proven that how children are treated in their early childhood can have a profound impact on their development. We want all our children to now what kindness looks like in all its forms, verbally physically, mentally etc.

For more information or resources please visit the link below.

> EYFS Curriculum

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