
Wellbeing at Redbridge Primary School

Caring for the health and safety of every pupil is our top priority. We want the young people in our care to be happy so that they will thrive and achieve. In the school community, some children will face difficulties at school or at home. We have support available to help with every type of problem.

What is ELSA?

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also met. At Redbridge Primary School we have two qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistants: Mrs Salman and Mrs Kemp. They plan and deliver programmes of support to pupils experiencing temporary or longer term emotional needs such as social skills, bereavement, anger management, self-esteem and counselling skills such as solution focus and friendship.

If you think that your child might benefit from this kind of help, please contact your child’s class teacher.

If you or someone you know needs urgent help, please see one of our safeguarding teachers immediately: Mrs Panzu, Mrs Southall or Mrs Targett-Adams.

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