Parent Forum

Parent Forum

At Redbridge Primary School, we are committed to working closely with parents and carers. We value the partnership which exists between school, parents and the community and the part it plays in school improvement.

Research has shown that children have a better school experience, and achieve more when their parents are involved in their education. Concerns can be resolved more quickly when parents have a good relationship with the school.

We feel that it is important that parents have a forum where they can express their views, know that they can make a difference, and learn more about how the school operates. The Parents Forum will be a place for parents to learn more about the school and a place for the school to learn more about different ways parents can contribute to their child’s learning journey.

What is a Parent Forum?

There are many good reasons to get involved as your child’s class rep. The main one is to help your child’s school.

A Parent Forum is a body of parents which represents parents and provides a forum for them to put forward their views to the Head Teacher of their children’s school. Parent Forums are a more accessible way to involve more parents in decisions about the school. A Parent Forum is less formal and requires a lesser commitment than being a member of the governing body. It also enables more parents to make a real contribution to their child’s school. Our parent forum meets once a half term.

How can I get involved?

At the start of each academic year, the school seeks at least one representative per year group across the school, ideally one per class. If the school receives more than 1 nomination for a class, names of candidates will be placed into a lottery and picked at random.

> Download – Parent Forum Agenda – 5th December 2023

> Download – Parent Forum Agenda – 6th February 2024

> Download – Parent Forum – Terms of Reference

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