Curriculum - English

Curriculum – English


At Redbridge Primary School, our children are provided with a wealth of exciting opportunities to read widely by having access to a range of appropriate and diverse texts. By the end of year six, our children will have experienced a breadth of reading experiences to draw from.

Our vision is to help children develop a love of reading by creating a reading for pleasure culture at Redbridge Primary School. Reading improves children’s concentration, vocabulary and language skills which help to develop imagination and empathy. Perhaps most importantly, it teaches children about the world around them. Children who read widely are able to learn about people, places and events outside of their own experiences.


Our vision for writing is that children are able to write for an audience and with a purpose. We want children to be able to draw on what they have read as readers and incorporate this into their writing, having the opportunity to practise the crafting processes writers use and, over time, are given the agency to develop their own preferred drafting and editing process so they can write from a position of strength.

We inspire them to become confident writers who are willing to take risks within their compositions and who will confidently perform their pieces out loud for an audience.


> Download – our Progression of Skills in Reading Comprehension EYFS to Year 6 Document

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