

Please find below our school statutory & non statutory policies

Paper copies are available upon request free of charge from the school office

Quality Improvement Plan

> Download – School Development Plan

> Download – SDP Visual

Statutory Policies

> Download – Accessibility Plan

> Download – Admission Arrangements 2022-2023

> Download – Admission Arrangements 2023-2024

> Download – Behaviour Policy

> Download – Behaviour Principles Written Statement

> Download – Charging & Remissions Policy

> Download – Complaints Policy

> Download – Data Protection Policy

> Download – Equality Policy

> Download – Governors Expense Policy

> Download – Health, Safety & Welfare

> Download – PSHRE Policy

> Download – Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy

> Download – SEND Information Report

> Download – Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND) Policy

> Download – Subject Access Handling Guidance and Procedure

> Download – Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Non Statutory Policies

> Download – Acceptable Use of ICT

> Download – Anti Bullying

> Download – Attendance Policy

> Download – Finance Policy

> Download – Freedom of Information Policy

> Download – Homework Policy

> Download – Information Security Policy

> Download – Intimate Care Policy

> Download – Lettings Policy

> Download – Nursery Admission Policy

> Download – Phonics Policy

> Download – Positive Touch Policy

> Download – Remote Education Policy

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